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"Prepping for Primary 1!" Parents Workshop on 11 May 2019
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Time flies and your little toddler is now going to Primary School or already in P1.

Based on the most recent announcement by MOE, the revised school and exam system has changed and P1 students no longer need to sit through any weighted assessments. The move by MOE is to nurture lifelong learners, to help our students discover more joy and develop stronger intrinsic motivation in learning. 

However, children should not wander at free will through their school-days. We advise parents to guide their child towards self-discovery and engaged learning. In order to do this, the child needs to be equipped with basic foundational skills like literacy and basic numeracy.


The medium of teaching in school is English language, hence it is important to build a strong foundation in literacy in the earlier years of education. Without the ability to recognise or comprehend English words or phrases, your child will not be able to keep up with the learning in school. In P1, children are expected to string simple sentences together, be descriptive and possess some level of vocabulary.
Are you reading correctly to your child, helping your child to recognise words and build their vocabulary? Are they pronouncing it correctly? Do you encourage good reading habits? Is your child exposed to a range of genres? Can they comprehend a passage and identify the five w’s of reporting: what, where, why, when, who? Can they apply simple punctuation?


In Primary 1, the Math curriculum comprises basic skills and concepts like counting, multiplication and division. Can your child count from 1 to 10 and 100? Does your child understand the concept of grouping? Do you expose them to different shapes, especially basic ones like circle, square, rectangle and triangle? Do you teach them measurements and comparison of length and mass? Can they differentiate the orientation of objects like upwards, downwards or sideways?


If your child is not doing the above, our experts can help you. 


"Prepping for Primary 1!" Parents Workshop
11 May (Saturday) from 9.15 am to 10.15 am

Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Cultural Academy, 5 Sennett Road


Call now 6589 9500 to book a seat

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Our speaker has more than 15 years of experience teaching in a primary school. He will explain to you the 'expectations' for Primary 1 students and how you can prepare yourselves and your child for it.

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